4 Signs Your Pet Requires Dental Care

4 Signs Your Pet Requires Dental Care

25 August 2022
 Categories: , Blog

One of the biggest challenges in dealing with animals is that they can't communicate their needs to people well. This is an especially pronounced problem when it comes to pet dental care. If you're worried that an animal might have oral health issues, watch for any of these four signs.

Slow Chewing  

Animals often exhibit dental issues differently than people would. A pet may react to oral health problems by slowing down their chewing. Likewise, they may be reluctant to eat harder foods. Even if your pet doesn't appear to have cavities or active health issues, this is a sign they may require animal dental treatment. An animal could also have bone injuries, problems with its jaw, or something affecting the ear, nose, and throat region.

Weight Loss

Unsurprisingly, reluctant eating can also lead to weight loss. Animals that struggle to eat may also struggle to consume enough calories, especially if they are a larger specie or breed. Highly active dogs, for example, don't necessarily regulate their activity levels just because they need pet dental care. Consequently, they might end up burning lots of calories.

At first, your pet may just look lean and healthy because of weight loss. However, the weight loss will continue past that point and progress toward being skinny or even frail. Even if it turns out that your animal doesn't require pet dental treatment, you will have at least ruled out one possible cause.


The progression of problems may continue to the point the animal struggles to be energetic anymore. People are often quick to dismiss this issue in older pets because they assume it's just due to the rigors of age. However, most animals should be at least reasonably active and attentive as long as they don't have undiagnosed health problems.

Notably, lethargy doesn't always follow weight loss. Some animals can keep their weight up if they slow their activities. But they could still have oral health concerns.

Bad Breath

Tooth decay and other oral health issues can lead to bad breath. Once more, people are prone to dismissing the symptoms of health problems in their pets. After all, terms like "dog breath" are synonymous with the minor annoyances of having pets in a family.

However, bad breath rarely happens without a link to a health issue. That issue usually calls for some level of pet dental care. Cavities and gum disease are among the most common causes of animals experiencing bad breath. 

Contact a local vet office, such as Indian Creek Veterinary Hospital, to learn more.    

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A Guide to Keeping Pets Healthy and Happy

Every novice animal parent needs to learn how to care for their pet. However, even experienced pet owners can benefit from learning more about their pet's physical and psychological needs. New medical discoveries relating to animal health are made on a near-daily basis, and many reveal new facts about animal health care that can help ward off future disease and help keep pets healthier and happier even longer. We created this blog, because we love keeping up on the latest pet health news and sharing it with everyone who strives to keep their pet healthy and happy. We plan to cover topics relating to a variety of animals, including dogs, cats, birds, and much more. Come back and check out our new posts often to keep learning more about the animals you love!
