
Tips For Your Pet’s First Major Surgery

3 January 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Having to put your pet through surgery can be just as stressful for the pet owner as it will be for the pet itself. But if it's gotten to the point that you need to contact your local veterinary surgical services professional, then it's likely that the surgery is necessary in order to preserve your pet's quality or length of life. If your pet has never gone through any significant surgery before, you might not know what to expect. Read More …

Bunny Basics For A Healthy, Hearty Life

29 December 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Taking care of a rabbit is relatively easy. If you have a sturdy enclosure, bedding, and all of the foods that your pet enjoys eating, you are taking care of your pet's immediate needs. However, an underlying health issue or despondent attitude should be identified and assessed by a veternarian. Ensuring that your furry friend receives an annual pet wellness exam can highly improve the odds that your rabbit will live a healthy and hearty life. Read More …

4 Questions You May Have About Pet Vaccination

26 December 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Vaccines are a wonderful tool that offers your pets immunity from diseases. Pets are routinely vaccinated from a young age against diseases like rabies, distemper, and parvovirus. Here are some questions you may have about pet vaccination: 1. What if your pet has already been vaccinated? Even if your pet has already been vaccinated, they will likely need to be vaccinated again in the future. Vaccines only protect your pet for a certain amount of time. Read More …

3 Things You Need To Do Prepare Your Pet To Be Neutered Or Spayed

26 December 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If your pet is scheduled to be spayed or neutered, you need to make sure that you prepare your pet properly for the surgery. Preparing your pet properly for surgery will help ensure your pet goes through the surgery process without experiencing any complications. Make Sure Your Pet Is Crate Trained First, you need to make sure your pet is crate trained before you sign your pet up for surgery. Oftentimes, you need to restrict your pet's activity for multiple days after the surgery. Read More …

Do Your Cat’s Hairballs Indicate Something Worse?

23 December 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Hairballs are a common enough thing for cats to go through — after all, they're kind of renowned for having hairballs. But that doesn't mean that it's necessarily a normal or safe thing for your cat to experience. There are a lot of things that a hairball can either do or signal that could mean bad news for your cat. Here's just a few of them. Stomach Blockage One of the things that a hairball might mean is that your cat has a stomach blockage. Read More …

About Me
A Guide to Keeping Pets Healthy and Happy

Every novice animal parent needs to learn how to care for their pet. However, even experienced pet owners can benefit from learning more about their pet's physical and psychological needs. New medical discoveries relating to animal health are made on a near-daily basis, and many reveal new facts about animal health care that can help ward off future disease and help keep pets healthier and happier even longer. We created this blog, because we love keeping up on the latest pet health news and sharing it with everyone who strives to keep their pet healthy and happy. We plan to cover topics relating to a variety of animals, including dogs, cats, birds, and much more. Come back and check out our new posts often to keep learning more about the animals you love!
